Friday, July 17, 2009

NOT Moving

I have dreams of farm life. Can't help it. They started in my late teens (you know, after I got past my feminist pull to become first woman president).

I think often about the beautiful simplicity of life away from tv, away from media, away from malls, away from grocery stores. Yes, a hard, dirty and very unglamorous life. But one that draws me in like Rory to candy. :)

I thought a bit about my inner hope for farm life today and realized (such a funny word, by the way--as if I have ever "realized" anything--so scratch that)--make that, the Holy Spirit revealed to me today--that the country has no hope for me. See, my flesh follows me to the farm, too. No, the sin would look different. (And one of the worst things about Christianity as a religion is that sin actually can look better and worse depending on the outward appearance.) It would be coated over with home-grown food and lots of images from Little House on the Prairie. But, sadly, for me, I would still be there. Does that make sense?

My flesh tags along with me just about everywhere I go--sometimes I think it even makes it to places before I get there. I blame very little on Satan, though I well know and have experienced that he is alive and well. See Satan doesn't have to work too hard in my life--I do a great job giving into my flesh and squashing the Spirit all on my own.

Sweetly, I experienced a lot of peace when I came to hear what the Spirit was saying. (Don't get me wrong! Country life is still attractive and beautiful and hardly inherently evil--it's me that won't change.) It was freeing to think that I don't need to move to find more of the Lord--I need to see Him here. And if I can't see Him here, I really don't know what I expect to find in a location alteration.

All this to say, that as I was pondering this this morning, I headed over to my first La Leche League meeting. Have you ever been to one of these?! Whoa. Total coolness. Just everywhere!

And you know what I found? Like-minded moms who live in MY area (that's right the area within the city limits) who home-school and go somewhat against the grain. I sat there and before I knew it, I said aloud, "Wow. I feel normal here." Everyone smiled.

I am so grateful to the Lord that He freed me and then blessed me. The freedom in itself is truly a gift, but then to enter into encouragement...well, wow. And I didn't have to move to find it. I just had to stay right here and listen.


stephanie moors said...

i love you. does this mean no commune? cause i worked HARD in the back yard today and i realized that i could DO commune life. ;)

p.s. you're normal here too... and i know what you mean...

Stephanie said...

thanks, Dawn!

i love you more, mrs. moors. and i kept meaning to put a disclaimer for you in this post so you'd know that i am still totally down for commune life. i just now understand that it won't be any easier or even better than life now! funny, huh? :)