India June will be 6 months as of the 18th of March and everyday is new with her. She is constantly learning, taking in and moving forward! And she is a LOT of fun. Lately I've noticed that at some point just about every day, she just wants to laugh! She'll look at me kind of expectantly with a big grin and just about anything I do makes her crack up! Which of course makes me (and anyone else around) crack up, too! We're just a couple of silly monkeys sometimes. :) My mom and sisters have also found that being loud draws big grins from our girl. Hint: think Daddy. Rory is not a soft-spoken guy and Dia apparently loves her daddy's booming voice and playful demeanor.
Our bug has absolutely no fear, knows almost always exactly what she wants and will smile at anyone and everyone (although sometimes she checks my face first to see if I approve a stranger!). We see a lot of the gift of exhortation in her. I have been re-reading (for the third time?) a great book called Prayer-Saturated Kids by Cheryl Sacks and Arlyn Lawrence. In it, they encourage parents to seek out God's original design for the children in their lives so that's a big prayer of mine right now. I love watching the person who is Dia unfold before me.
Tante (that's aunt in Dutch) Sheena stopped by my mom's house several weeks ago and took a few snapshots of Dia (not posed, mind you--these are just a display of Sheena's raw talent), so I thought I'd post a few. (I wish they were a bit more recent--they were taken over a month ago and she already looks so different! But they are simply too beautiful not to display.):
*DISCLAIMER: My daughter is exceptionally beautiful. You may want to take a few breaths before viewing the following as it could cause loss of breath. ;) You may also want to contact the highly talented photographer, a woman I am blessed to call family, who took these shots (again, these are not posed, just raw talent as I changed a diapey). Check out the photographer's website here. Ok, it is now safe to go on... :)
We really do love each other. A lot.
Masterpiece of the Creator and daughter of our dreams. Those eyes!!!
Bonded. Forever and ever.