Sunday, June 26, 2011

Why, Hello There!

I'll be honest with you: I have lots of good excuses for not blogging. Lots! But I'll let the pictures do the talking for today...

As you can see, we are now dressing ourself. We like to layer.

Although it was months ago, we celebrated Passover as a family. It's one of my favorite holidays of the year and this year was very special doing it at our house and personally preparing all the specialties (roasted lamb shank, anyone?). Dia helped with the delicious haroshet.

We may very well be the corniest family on the planet! But we love each other. Lots of family nights out...although, not sure why Dia looks like we've tortured her.....I promise she had fun!

Dia loves Anthropologie! She relaxed while I tried on clothes. She also managed to bite into a $45 bar of soap...but if you happen to come across that bar in the store, I'll deny it!

We have also been ridiculously blessed with amazing neighbors. I can't tell you how wonderful it is to be able to just walk across the street and ring the bell for friends to come play. Dia and our neighbor Scarlett became best of friends (even fought like sisters!) and we have loved getting to know their whole family.

We've also been busy with Stroller Strides. It's a fabulous mommy workout where you bring the kids (in the stroller). Dia not only loves the other kids, but she also loves to workout herself. She has been known to randomly drop and do push-ups, squats and lunges. Here I came into her room to find her using the dog leash as a resistance band and doing bicep curls! Talk about "children see, children do." Dia is my number one best workout buddy!

Just too cute not to share. I was in the kitchen when I kept hearing her call my name, but I couldn't find her. Hee hee.

And when Dia hit eighteen months, she and Papa dressed up for a nice dinner out.

He sent me this shot from dinner....they held hands while they ate. :)

And ordered extra olives. D's personal favorite food.

We've also made good use of the top deck at the Deer Valley Airport. It's so fun to watch the planes and even helicopters.

More Papa and Dia dates....

And then one day we were reading this favorite Dr. Suess when Dia stopped me to look closer at this illustration. She tends to find things to focus on in the books and will literally just analyze every little thing on the page. After a few minutes of staring intently at this image, she said, "DD Mama eat." Ha ha!

Proof that while we yes, do eat together, we don't look exactly like those Suess characters.

Dressing up with our amazing play silks. Thank you so much, Heather!

And now for the big news: WE'RE MOVING!

Grammy came to help pack and show Dia how a bookcase is really a fishing boat and painting stir sticks are the perfect fishing rods.

And as for those amazing neighbors, well, they threw us a farewell block party!
Can you believe it? They literally are the world's best neighbors and Rory and I honestly reconsidered moving just because we didn't want to leave our friends!

These are the neighbor kids Dia considers family. We miss you guys!

The party was complete with an old-fashioned popcorn stand
And of course, fireworks a la Rory.

And since we had renovations to do at our old house in order to attract some great renters as well as some major updates to do on our new home, we moved in with Oma and Opa six weeks ago and basically have taken over their formerly lovely (and quiet) home.

Which means we pretty much spend every day either at Oma or Grandma's house. Dia has especially enjoyed her all-access pass to her auntie's jewelry, make-up and hair accessories...

Not to mention quality bonding time...

Delicious home-cooked meals

And spending lunch breaks with Opa.

Oma and Dia are master zoo builders/keepers. (Here it was nap time at the zoo.)

Grandpa knows how to build the best towers!

FYI, Dia loves jalapeno potato chips. These things are SPICY but Dia literally licked the jalapeno powder from the bottom of the bag...ok, so maybe not all of our food has been healthy or home-cooked.

And even though all her toys are in boxes in the garage, she has really shown me the power of her own imagination. All on her own she turned a few boxes and some kitchen appliances into her own kitchen and often makes me tea. :)

We've also logged many hours at the local splash pad

And even the local Summer Movie program. Last week Dia sat through a movie for the first time in the theater! "How To Train Your Pet Dragon" now owns the title of her first in-theater movie! She's crazy for dinosaurs and while she has no idea what a dragon is per se, we told her they were flying dinosaurs and she was hooked!

And to save the very best news for last....I'm also 11 weeks pregnant!
Horrendously sick and exhausted, it's been a rough few months. We could not be more grateful to have both my and Rory's family supporting and literally housing us as we transition into our bigger home with our expanding family. They feed us, entertain us, help us get our car out of the shop (that was a fun time, ha ha), help us re-surface our floors ( are amazing), paint, pack, clean and so much more. I have never felt more blessed than to sit down at Father's Day not only with my amazing husband but also for the both of us to be able to look down both sides of a long table and see two families who so truly love us and our daughter.
We are blessed!


Amanda said...

It was so much fun to see all of these pictures! Dia is growing up so quickly! I hope your new house will have lots of new friends for her so she can grow up like you and I did! And Congratulations! :)

Cynthia said...

Aaaahhhhh! Congratulations! We're so happy for you guys! God is doing such amazing things in your family. :)

Jamie said...

CONGRATS!!! YEAH! Wow, a $45 bar of soap?!?!?! That is insane! Looks like you guys have been cherishing all the time you have together.

Heather@Cultivated Lives said...

Congrats!!!!!!!!!!!! I was so hoping to find this kind of announcement from you. I hope you are feeling better soon. We were temporarily at my parents house (waiting for our home to finish being built) when I was in the first trimester with my second too...