Wednesday, July 06, 2011

A Few Firsts on the Fourth

We still aren't in our new home yet. So close. Everything is done, furniture is in, but fumes are deathly. We had planned on hosting our first pool party on the fourth...I even bought D a special Independence Day shirt that I packed thinking there was no way we would not be in our house by July 4th.

But we are still making the most of our family time! Dia has bonded in special ways with both sides of her grandparents (and their dogs) and her aunts. We wouldn't have been able to fabricate this ourselves--only the Lord could have planned such a special (semi-stressful, almost too much to handle...but also a blessing in many ways) extended family bonding time.

The fourth of July was especially great because one of Dia's favorite things in the world is FIREWORKS. "Fie-uh-wuhks!" (She also loves motorcycles...I think she has a flair for the exciting.) Rory celebrated the day they legalized the sale of them in Phoenix and took Dia for a special trip to the fie-uh-wuhks stand on Monday. He even let her pick out most of them! (And truth be told, the ones she picked were the biggest crowd pleasers.)

She waited patiently (asking regularly) until the sun set. I was happy to distract her with her first ice cream cone!

Chocolate, anyone?

Ice cream cones are a big deal to me. I have always said my favorite food is two ice cream cones--one for each hand. We bought special gluten-free cones from Whole Foods and used delicious chocolate ice cream made from coconut milk and sweetened with agave. What a blessing to be able to go to the store to get such high-quality sweets I don't worry about her eating!

You can see my joy in sharing a new love with D:

Like mother like daughter--she likes her ice cream cones!

I can't tell you how grateful I am to have such wonderful family and to be able to take such advantage of them. Really they have done so much for us. And not just one side, but both sides give and give until you can't imagine they have anything left to give. And then they help and share and give some more. And how special to have a holiday, a Monday to start the week with us all waking up together and then watching the special colorful explosions and singing patriotic ballads before bed.

Thankful for sacrifice today...those who sacrifice for a safe, democratic parents and in-laws who sacrifice for our comfort and husband who sacrifices for his family's Lord who is the example of all sacrifice.

Happy Birthday, America!

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