I'm suffering from a bad case of "But, I wanna!"
Not necessarily one to comb the malls, scan the magazines or even shop online, I do encounter certain things that I simply must have. MUST. HAVE. I see it and instantly know that I want it.
Currently I'm envying over the 13.1.
But, of course, it's not one of those stickers you can just go out and buy. You have to earn one of those beauties. Specifically speaking, you have to run 13.1 miles. A half-marathon.
I got it in my head about a year ago that I wanted, no, NEEDED, one. I got together with my favorite and fitness-booty-saving Stroller Strides instructor and we planned to train for the Nike Women's in San Francisco. One of the most popular races in the country, the Nike Women's selects (at random) only a certain amount of racing teams to participate. When we weren't selected, I was truly sad. But we consoled ourselves with the fact that the P.F. Chang's was only a few months after that and that we could train just as well for a race in town.
And then I found out we're pregnant! And not just pregnant. Due to deliver exactly four days after the P.F. Chang's. Hmm...somehow I don't see myself running the 13.1 at a full 40 weeks.
So I've settled for a 5k here in town in October.
Can I tell you something, though? I can barely breathe after running a mile! Looks like I may be walk/running those 3.1 miles.
I wonder if they make a bumper sticker that says 3.1? Maybe I can just scratch out the "1" in front of my coveted "13.1"...and then after Olive and a few months of training, I'll fill it back in.
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