And it's also fun coming up with creative twists on what are usually high-sugar, high secular celebrations. Easter was kind of a no-brainer for me: skip the candy and hunt for Resurrection Eggs. My mother-in-law stopped in at a local Christian store and the guys hid them around my parents' backyard. Great idea and tons of fun.
But then, my always outside-of-the-box mom came up with an idea that Rory and I instantly took on as our newest family tradition: a book hunt! We both loved it the minute we heard it. My mom and mother-in-law bought all the books (big, colorful board books) at Half-Priced Bookstore (a great place to buy books for all ages, especially little ones because they are so affordable to replace) and then Rory took Dia around to collect them. My mom even gave her this great basket big enough to hold all her new goodies. She found some great titles for Easter--one was a kid's New Testament and a Max Lucado bead book about John 3:16. And several weeks later, we are still enjoying those books! Don't you just love creative moms?
It was a great holiday--beautiful AZ weather, too--and now we have a great, educational, new tradition. Unfortunately, I left my camera sitting in its case the whole time. I was too busy enjoying myself! But my sister Jessica took some great pics that you can see on Facebook.
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