Wednesday, March 02, 2011

A Fish Called Alla

Our little family of three made our way over to the local pet shop to buy two little Beta fish last weekend. For some reason, I thought that Beta fish were these angry little fighting that only lived about week or two. Um, no. They can live up to three or four YEARS!

So our little family has now grown to include to fishies. One named Alla, after my sister and one of Dia's favorite people in the world, and the other is named Jerrett, after one of Rory's employees whom Dia also loves. If someone calls or if Dia is "talking" on her play phone, she always looks at me nodding and says, "Alla." If someone comes to the door, she runs towards it screaming "Alla!!!!" If a car drives by, you guessed it. If I have to tell her that it's not Alla, though, she turns to me knowingly and nods, saying "Jessa" (that's my other sister). She is completely in love with her aunties!

But when it came to naming the second fish, Dia was adamant: Jerrett. So there you have it.

And without further adieu, here are pics of Dia helping Papa set up the fishy homes:

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