Tuesday, January 13, 2009

A big change

I am getting a bit worried. I see so many signs leading to a future that frightens me.

For the last several years the world has worked hard to show us that there is more to the show. To reveal the man behind the curtain, if you will. Take the kids' movie Monsters, Inc., for instance (and this is the least of the countless more obvious examples). The monsters live and die by a fear of children. But at the end, it is revealed that children and monsters are not incompatible.

It was all a...lie?

This paradigm shift is crucial to our country's demise. One by one (and it's happening so much quicker than would seem possible) we must abandon trust, fidelity, faith and our inner compass. We must be willing to think "outside of the box." And inevitably, we will begin to truly switch from a Christ-focus to full propaganda. We will embrace Bollywood, move to Dubai and slowly but surely leave behind everything a generation before us knew. And "knew" as in "were convicted by" because of the greater truth that existed.

It's not the Middle East that frightens me. And thinking inside the box and burying our head in the sand will not save. It's not any part of the globe per se that frighten me. It's more the prince of this world. The conflict will arise and it will appear that we have lost. But we will not. We must be so careful to exchange our thoughts for His so that we are not mislead. There are no words, no books, no speakers and certainly no formulas to save. Only Him and Him alone. Do you know Him?

Something is coming. There is a future we have never imagined right behind the corner. We have been warned for a very, very long time. But who is ever truly prepared for a thief in the night?


familygregg said...


Chad E. Wilhoite said...

that was really good Stephanie - and very true. Sometimes I wish that we could go back in time to generations before us, even all the way back to the Founding Fathers era, and bring back some of the men and women from that time to this time, and watch as they're faces turn from shock to horror. It wouldn't be all the technology and science that horrifies them, but the lack of conviction, the lack of a conscience found in mankind.

At least we have hope though, we know that no matter what happens in this world, this isn't the world we live for, the prince of this world is not OUR prince. We serve the King, and He will take us home!