Friday, February 27, 2009


It's hard to express how much Rory and I already completely and wholly love the little baby growing in my womb. We have never seen him (not even on an ultrasound). He doesn't even have a name. We aren't even sure it's a boy.

But we love him so much that sometimes we cry just thinking about him.

Is this how Jesus felt about me on the cross?


Sheena Christine West said...

It's a beautiful thing to watch, so I can't imagine how it feels. I'm so excited and praying daily for safety of both mommy and baby! I love you.

The Bentley's said...

I am SO EXCITED for you guys. Stacy Barrett just told me today about your good news!! I totally understand you not telling people, but I so wish I could have been praying for you and talking with you! Well...I'm praying now, and can't wait to hear all the great updates and fun news! How are you feeling?

familygregg said...

wonderful news. simply wonderful.

Anonymous said...

I don't know you but I have been so edified and encouraged by what you have written. I will be praying for your pregnancy. Enjoy every minute of it - even when it doesn't feel good - it all goes by so fast.