Both working full-time and both in school full-time, we were b-u-s-y. And although it felt like we were hardly ever home, our house still needed maintaining. I remember my frustration at his attitude of "helping out" around the house. I could not for the life of me understand how the role of house-keeper had been delegated to me but his efforts to help me out should earn him a medal. It wasn't an issue of feminism or self-righteousness, but as a human equally as busy as he, I didn't understand how OUR house had become MY responsibility.
After much talking (read "screaming") and LifePartners group sessions (I will always love Ken's explanation that the woman was NOT created to maintain the house. When Eve was purposely and uniquely formed, remember, there were no children, there was no home, and food and laundry were nowhere to be found. Alas, our role/purpose as women has nothing to do with the house and/or children.), we came to both understand that the home belonged to us and as such we both needed to maintain it.
Now, had I or he been a stay-at-home parent, things may have been different. I completely understand how scheduling and lifestyle can play a role in household duties.
However, now that it comes to endless parenting conversations, we're beginning to see a theme. While I may be at home with the baby, this baby is no more mine than his. In fact, I tend to see his role as bearing greater responsibility (biblically speaking that is). We were talking on the way home from the grocery store last night about how bizarre and yet perfectly wordly the concept of dad "helping mom out" really is. In fact, in today's world it is honorable for a father to step forward to "help out" with the baby.
But what a short-sell of the gospel of Christ that is. Is that why Jesus came?! To help out with us sinners? I am pretty confident (and blown away daily by the fact) that Jesus rendered heaven to come down to us. He left it all for US. This is His same desire for fathers.
What a different world it would be if in fact each of our fathers had considered work, golf, sports, etc. nothing in comparison to their children.
My desire is for this child to know that nothing comes before him in his daddy's eyes. Jesus has worked so patiently proving this fact to us, and I am thrilled to watch Him teach us how to show the same to our little "peanut."
AMEN! Love it! What a difference a present and involved father makes in the life of a child :).....I'm so glad I got to experience that as a kid. The Starks are going to be great parents. Love ya!
i love how clearly laid out this is. you are a rockin communicator. :)
I'm with Tiffany, you guys are going to be great parents.
I think about this all the time - my husband is judged on how obedient, respectful, well behaved our kids are. Because I am with them all day long (and he normally is not), I take my responsibility very seriously to train them appropriately so that they make him proud (and so my cute husband is proud of me!) and so they can be a reflection of what a good man and daddy he IS! Am I making any sense here? ;-)
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