Tuesday, April 28, 2009

A little more controversy

As you may have already guessed if you don't already know me too well, I like to dig deep. I like to question. I am motivated by discovering truth.

What really impresses me (and totally surprises me!) is that Jim Carrey and I seem to be alike in this manner. Below is a link to his article regarding vaccines. While I don't have a particular stance at this point (and certainly do not criticize anyone who does!), I endlessly appreciate his candor in his own research and feel that his search has a lot to offer us all. I find it extremely well-written and surprisingly neutral--that is, neither for or against vaccines directly, rather challenging our assumptions (which I think is almost always a very, very good thing!).

Here's a quote from his article that has me thinking:

"The truth is that no one without a vested interest in the profitability of vaccines has studied all 36 of them in depth. There are more than 100 vaccines in development, and no tests for cumulative effect or vaccine interaction of all 36 vaccines in the current schedule have ever been done. If I'm mistaken, I challenge those who are making such grand pronouncements about vaccine safety to produce those studies."

So, again, this is not to say that vaccines are/aren't safe. Rather, as parents, as adults, as educated humans, let's take responisbility for what we put into our kids' bodies and discover the BEST for them.


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