Rory and I are a little hyped-up. We are so stinking mad at the big corporations who are playing around with the very food we eat.
Some of the intentions are good. Certain companies have begun pursuing genetic modification of food in an attempt to stop world hunger. But, and I quote, "Hunger is not a technological problem." There is plenty of food--there's just a roadblock when it comes to distribution. Too many 3rd World governments will receive the money and aid and simply NOT DISTRIBUTE IT. To quote Mahatma Ghandi, "There is enough in the world for everyone's need. Just not for everyone's greed."
Other intentions are evil. Monsanto, a humongo chemical company, is currently buying up seeds. That's right--the US Supreme Court overruled the US Constitution to make it legal to buy, own and patent seeds (aka life)--"Whoever controls the seed, controls life." Monsanto, The Dow Chemical Company and Dupont (all major chemical companies) own about 85% of our seed/food supply. Monsanto has genetically modified their seeds to be "Roundup Ready"--meaning that the seeds contain the herbicide Roundup. Guess who owns Roundup? Monsanto. This "Roundup Ready" method is not to ease the cost of food, but increase the sale of Roundup. Scientific studies have shown that Roundup causes the first cellular growth of cancer. Monsanto, however, advertises Roundup as biodegradable and safe. They have a scary history of falsifying scientific information--including early findings on the toxic chemicals dioxin and pcb.
We are a little fired-up just thinking about this gross injustice. Food is critical for life.
Not to mention terrified what these kinds of modifications mean for our future.
There is hope, however. The only answer is to either grow your own food, or know your grower. The best and most convenient way I know to do this: farmer's markets. Unfortunately, greed still exists in farmer's markets, though, so be wary. Ask questions and get to know your grower. If it looks store bought, it very well could be. And chemical companies, like Monsanto, are working very hard to ensure that we never find out which items are GMO and which are not.
This summer, a new documentary will be hitting the theatres: Food, Inc. This film (although somewhat politically-driven.....and leaning heavily towards the Left) exposes one of our greatest threats: the future of our food. We don't know where our food comes from (unless you grow your own or shop farmer's markets) and wealthy companies are working hard to keep it that way. If things continue the way they are headed, soon all of our food will be owned and modified by companies like Monsanto.
So, shop your local farmer's market. If you can't afford organic today, there's a good chance you won't have any options left tomorrow. As a consumer, your dollar speaks volumes. Let these companies know where your support lies--with honest and decent growers!! As they say in the film, each time you run an item across the checkout, you are voting. "People have got to start demanding good, wholesome food. And I promise, we'll deliver." -Farmer quoted in the Food Inc. preview.
And, go see the film this June!
Here's the trailer
1 comment:
did you watch the beautiful truth? monsanto is the company with the terminator technology. basically they are genetically modifying their seeds to DIE after one season, eliminating organic farming once and for all. sick.
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