First of all, what a wonderful mother's day. I have always loved celebrating my mom and more recently getting to include Rory's mom, too. Both of our moms went in this weekend and got Rory and I our dream stroller for Dia. I cried! But we also spent a lot of time laughing. When you think about it, it's pretty crazy that two home-school families who didn't know much other than Jesus, got together 16 years ago and just this weekend bought a stroller for their mutual granddaughter.
We've been sharing memories all weekend. I still remember the first time I met Rory. We were ten years old and his mom was hosting/teaching a home-school public speaking class. By God's clear direction, he brought my family to their house and the rest is history--literally. After the speech class, our families created a history co-op. They instilled so much Jesus in us so early on that not one project went by or one story read that they did not direct back to Him.
At 21, their two eldest children married. It was the single-most greatest day of my life. We recently watched the wedding video and laughed and cried.
And now, this Friday, we are celebrating 5 years of marriage with a little girl on the way. It brings such tears to my eyes! I know these past 5 years, not to mention the past 16, have been quite the ride for all of us. I know that a lot of the time, they thought we were crazy. And sometimes, we felt the same way about them! If the emotions of these past 5 years were to form a quilt, it would be more rich in color than anything our human eyes could fully appreciate.
As any of our friends know too well, we have not pretended even for a minute to have a perfect marriage. Just writing that makes me laugh! But it is so real and so genuine. It is so deep and so passionate. It so evidently our testimony and that is exactly what I want Dia to see in us--in her creation, is our testimony of the power of Jesus. There aren't words or time enough to fully explain all that has taken place over these past 5--and 16--years. But we think on it often. I think it's a big part of why we don't want to sell our home. It has been the setting for this powerful testimony.
There's the wall where I threw my Starbucks coffee at Rory (ah, yes, one of my finer moments). There's the floor where I sat and single-handedly cut up every single one of our wedding photos. There's the door that Rory punched a whole through. Oh yeah. It's been a rough ride.
There's the floor where we camped out our first night here--newlyweds with no possible way to undestand what we had just entered into.
There's the table where I bought Rory his favorite cereal and set up a mini-celebration for his first day at ASU. There's the kitchen where we dance together--a lot more now than before!
There's the wall where I scrubbed the coffee clean and the door that we patched up. Our home is such a physical representation of what we have been brought through.
For the past 3 years it has also been the setting for our Mother's Day brunch. What a joy it brings to my heart to have all of our sisters (and some boyfriends!), both of our dads and our two amazing mothers all at the same table. It is a testimony to the power of friendship, the bond of home-schooling and the love of Jesus. And yesterday, Rory surprised me with a seat of honor with two moms I am hardly worthy to sit with. And he had a letter (that I couldn't read out loud due to tears streaming, streaming down) and a jewelry set: a necklace, matching earrings and a beautiful vintage style right-hand ring--all in Dia's soon-to-be birthstone, Sapphire.
I have never owned such beautiful jewelry. And I have never been more at peace as Rory planned and prepared and hosted all of yesterday's festivities. I sat perfectly calm and perfectly honored as Rory set up everything just perfectly--from the table settings to the food to the cleaning. In years past I would be super nervous that he wouldn't know how to do things "just so." But he's been studying me and learning me and made yesterday better than I could have ever dreamed.
Thank you, Rory!
Thank you, Jesus!!!
1 comment:
Steph! I just now found your blog! This post is wonderful! :) Congratulations and I look forward to seeing you soon!
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