"Under"--nothing is as fun as scooting underneath the kitchen chairs.
Except, that is, climbing "over" the chairs!
"Through"-- Mmm...doesn't that doggy door look inviting? Don't worry--she hasn't actually made it "through" yet....but I know my days are numbered!
"Among"--Dia can often and regularly be found among her best friends: Depot and Roxy. Surprisingly, Depot (our younger and more rambunctious pup) is dearest to DD's heart and they play amazingly well together.
"On"--She loves climbing on Depot! And he is so good to let her do that.
And everything ends up "in" her mouth!
It's probably because of these two new beauties:
The Monday after she crawled, she broke her first tooth, said "Papa" for the first time ("Mama" and "Mom-mom-mom" were her chosen first words earlier in the month--I've had to ask family and friends to confirm this because my heart literally stops beating each time I hear it!) and started clapping all at once! It's been like skiing downhill--on the most beautiful path in the world with the nicest pair of skis money can buy! I feel like the baby I once had is now well on her way to toddler-hood and beyond.
And then of course, there is all the fun that Papa brings. We'll just call this her exploration of gravity and balance--actually, I think she has balance pretty well covered!
(CAUTION: Do not view if you are faint of heart....)
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