Since we don't own a tv, we sat glued to the internet until we couldn't take it anymore and finally went to a neighborhood pizza joint to watch the televised election coverage. The race was clearly led by Obama, but we kept our eyes glued.
When I saw the 297 flashing on the screen next to Obama's name, I shook my head back and forth and blinked a few times. Did it really just jump from 220 to 297? Rory turned to me, "Obama just won! It's over."
A few teenage guys who worked in the restaurant started yelling, "Our president's gonna get assassinated!" Which made me laugh. I have had the same thought, but they were all pulling for him and were thrilled with the results. The strange reality for them, though, was that he'd be assassinated. Gotta love teenage boys who have no right to vote yet.
The two other ladies in the restaurant were noticeably saddened. When the teenagers asked them why, they said, "Because we're old. We've loved longer and know what we're about to face." I couldn't help it. I chimed in, "And I don't want socialized health care. Plus I like to keep babies alive." This surprised and encouraged the right-winger ladies. "Yeah! Keep the government out of it."
I did vote for McCain. Not because I hate or am afraid of Obama. But because I cannot elect a man as my leader who would encourage anyone's right to kill another--even if it was just a fetus. And I don't want to lose my right to see my naturopathic doctor. I don't even know if Obama will change any of that, but it matters to me and McCain understands that.
Rory and I got in the car and I was surprised that I was truly saddened. I think a big part of him was, too. But then he said something very wise and very true.
"You know, we've been through a lot of ups and downs in our relationship. Things haven't gone the way we thought or always wanted. But God has led us through it all and I wouldn't change any of that."
"Yeah," I said. "You're right." And I looked ahead at the road before us and smiled.
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