Most of the women in my life know nothing about flat-lining. We are strong roller-coaster riding spirits. As Rory and I enter this new phase in our life, I feel the coaster click-click-click-click into motion. I am excited. And a little afraid. Ah, the complex thrill of adventure!
Pray for us as you read this. I am a firm believer that like Rob Bell says, "Everything is spiritual." I fully believe that this new opportunity is a chance to grow and mature spiritually. That's a big part of what excites me! This is a chance to use this little business (it's only been like 3 days officially and we have yet to create an official LLC, but still...) to form ourselves more into His likeness. And so the roller coaster begins.
I am reminded of Peter.
"Jesus, you are my best friend."
"If anything ever happens to you, I will die with you!"
"No one loves you like I love you, Jesus."
"Jesus is in trouble? Umm...no I don't know Jesus."
"No, I told You. I don't know that guy."
"Leave me alone! I don't know the man!"
Talk about highs and lows--and that was all in one night! If he were a woman, they would have institutionalized him. (Ok, that last comment is due in part to hearing a lot about the movie The Changeling.) Ah, what personal gratitude I have that this double-minded, fearful, doubtful, back and forth man would be the ROCK that the church was to stand on. A rock who makes mistakes. A rock who lies, denies and proves himself unfaithful. A rock who clearly knows what a roller coaster feels like. I am in good company.
Let the ride begin.
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