Monday, September 06, 2010

After The Ocean, A Pool

As impossible as it sounds, I haven't been in a pool since about before Dia was born. I read once about the chlorine in pools and their effects on mommies and babies and one hint at the harshness it could cause my Joyness was all I needed to stay away. But after returning from Cali, we made a special trip to Rory's parents' house (to pick up Pee-poe, whom they were dog-sitting for us) and the Starks family made their first splash:

My mom is a water-grammy (she was born a water-baby like Dia) and has a special bond with Dia and the water. So now that we've officially "jumped in" Dia lurches right for my mom as soon as she sees her when we get to her house and the two of them make a beeline for the pool!

*Dia, if you're reading this someday, I apologize for my weird beliefs and the non-traditional literature I keep coming across that kept you from the fun pool for nearly a year! However, I am your mom. And I love you. And would cut off my own hair (limbs, skin, etc.) if I thought it would help you in any way. So, hopefully, you're all grown-up now and can just laugh and say, "Oh, Mom." Which I will know in all my wisdom really means, "Thanks, I love you, too."

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