Thursday, September 02, 2010

A Super Big Very Important So Exciting First

Last week we took Dia to the beach for the first time! This is the same beach I spent my summers on as a young girl, so it was sweetly special to show it to Dia and play with her on the same spots I used to. And like just about everything else so far, while the beach is spectacular, it's nothing until you take your child!

You'll notice we did our best to keep her sun-protected--doesn't she look cute?! Let me tell you, kids don't like to wear hats! But even with taking it off and putting it back on and more taking it off, I definitely think it helped more than it hindered. Plus these great swim clothes they make these days, did wonders. As did California Baby sunblock--non-toxic (well, as non-toxic as chemical creams can be) and nice and thick it did a great job. In fact, Dia doesn't have as much as a tan line after ten days outside in the Cali sun.

Is there anything more fun than beach time with your baby?! She loved everything about the water and when we would turn the corner as the ocean came into view, she would flap her hands and make a long, drawn out "Oooooohhhhhh!!!!" What a thrill!

My sister Jessica was also out visiting at the same time, so she and Dia got to spend lots of quality time.

Sonny's is one of the best Italian restaurants and Dia fit right in--about as well as that rigatoni fit on her finger! :)

We found a fun little fountain and Dia tossed a penny in--lots of fun and special little firsts.

Dia and I got to spend time with my Grandmother, her Great-Grandma (who doesn't look a day past fabulous), at her California house.

At Great-Grandma's California house--she knew just what Dia would enjoy: more water!

She discovered on this trip that she preferred pushing the stroller instead of sitting in it! She would knee-walk it on concrete, cobblestones, anything. Tough cookie! It was great to be able to 1. WALK everywhere! 2. Enjoy the paradisaic weather.

Playing in the sand with Papa--he buried her, dug holes with her, you name it.

Airplane sighting!

Last beach day snack--french fries and a veggie patty from the snack bar!

And lots of sweet sweet love.

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