Have I mentioned that a certain adorable someone now uses the doggy door (and it's not a four-legged friend, either)?
*And a HUGE thank you to Andrea (she left the most helpful comment the other day)--I took these with my old school cell and sent them to email as a text message! Voila!
A while back, I suggested we make the most of our weekends by taking a Friday or two off and camping up north. Hey, even an Arizona native needs a break from the heat once in a while! (And for what it's worth, I don't think you ever truly acclimate to 108 degrees!)
We suggested it to the other families in our mom's Meetup group and voila! An entire getaway was organized by the savvy and well-experienced Carla.
I can't even begin to tell you how much fun we had!
You were probably expecting the worst... I told my violin teacher and she just apologized and said she was glad she wasn't me. I know it doesn't sound like the best idea: a small group of parents with children under the age of one in Flagstaff sleeping on the ground for a weekend. But the secret to our success: KOA. Kampgrounds of America (and I give full grace for the assault on proper spelling--that's just how great they are!) are something I had recently become aware of, but this was our first time using one and I can't recommend them enough: clean restrooms complete with showers, small store for necessities, a playground, breakfast kart serving eggs and such in the mornings (again, with the "k", I know), family movie night under the stars, laundry facilities, bike rental and more. If you're fairly green in the camping arena, as we were especially with our baby, this is the place to start.
And let me just tell you, Dia spent three days in the dirt. THREE DAYS. This was easily the greatest weekend of her LIFE. Here's proof:
Day 1 (*Notice how clean she is!)
By the next morning, we were pretty well dirty. And lovin' it.
And while she had the CUTEST pop-up chair, the tarp was way more fun! Did you want some?
Some friends brought their hammock--group swing!
More eating! Did you know Annie's makes a decent baked bean without sugar?
And being only about an hour and a half from the Grand Canyon, we made a stop--it was Rory's first visit! Oh, and Dia's, too! He was blown away. It is such a beautiful sight. Dia was mostly impressed with the other people, dogs and how papa could disappear behind the rocks.
Had a picnic in the car!
Enjoyed the beautiful park! And beautiful weather--what a blessing to be outdoors for three days after a summer of, "No, we can't go outside, D. It's 107."
Playing peek-a-boo with a girl we met at the playground
Tough girl!
Back at the KOA, Dia met a little three-year old who showed her the ways of the world, i.e., how to ride the merry-go-round while standing up and how to shove wood chips through the fence. (Dia would often point to the playground--it was visible from our campsite--and pump her arms furiously while huffing and puffing. She loved playing and LOVED watching the big kids.)
To be honest, I am always torn when a new archeological or environmental discovery is made that confirms a biblical account. I guess there's a part of me that says, "Well, yeah! Of course. I didn't need a scientist to tell me the Bible is true!" I believe the Bible and always will--even if all the science points against it. I fully believe that there is a Mind and Being far greater than mine so I don't expect my thinking and even my scientific method to offer complete truth all the time.
But today on the Diane Rehm show, I was truly excited to see that when God encouraged us to "go to the ant" (Proverbs 6:6-8, Proverbs 30:25) he really meant it! Did you know Southwest Airlines "went to the ant" when designing their unique boarding and seating arrangement?! Oh and there is more! Enjoy!
I love that even though she is growing older and bigger and wiser and even more beautiful (if that's even possible!), there are still things she is doing for the first time!
Like talk in her sleep! Early early Sunday morning I was roused from my sleep only to look over at Dia and see that she was smiling and saying "Uh-oh!" in her sleep! Eyes closed and in full slumber! I wanted to laugh so hard. I could hardly believe it. If you know Rory at all, you know that this is a full Papa skill. Already following in our footsteps, I guess!
She also signed for the first time Monday night! She can now sign "more"! I was shocked and so excited when my mom started signing it with her and she shortly started repeating the motion. So she now has several words and a sign in her arsenal of communication!
And remember that picture of her exploring the doggy door? Well guess who got stuck in it today? To be fair, the flaps on the doggy door are in their last stages and need to be replaced soon. As it is now, when the dogs go in and our the flaps sometimes get stuck in and on each other basically leaving a rectangular floor-level window. It is practically begging D to explore it! And today, she got herself half-way through it. She loves being able to look right out without anything obstructing her view and now, I assume, she will also love being able to head outside whenever the fancy hits! Can you say, "Uh-oh"?
This is a little stretch, but she also got her first fourth tooth today. Okay, okay. Just her fourth tooth! But still, I had to stretch it so that the "Firsts" title would fit! So she now has two bottom teeth and both eye teeth. Yippee!!!
And as per the photo, Dia had her first spaghetti dinner (organic rice pasta with Trader Joe's organic marinara)! Mmmmm! She loved it. We usually just give her plain pasta which she loves, but the other night she refused to eat it. She wanted to sit in my lap and play with my "real" pasta dinner. Rory and I agreed that that simply would not work, so we let her sit on the floor screaming while we attempted to have a nice dinner. We eventually tried sitting her down in the high chair again and for some reason, thought to put some of our "real" pasta with sauce on her tray this time. And voila! That's all she had wanted the whole time! And let me tell you, I had such a pang of guilt. She wasn't being difficult or spoiled or troublesome or anything like that. Her heart had been pure, we just mis-communicated. Agh! I never want to cause her unneeded pain and even though it was only for a few minutes over some pasta sauce, all wounds of your child are heavy burdens on a mama heart. And it's only just beginning! Lord, send Your mercy, compassion and grace.
Lately, Dia is all about "uh-oh" and peek-a-boo. She loves to drop things (or just to shout it out randomly as well) and sing, "Uh....ooohhhh!" And when it comes to peek-a-boo, she likes to have her eyes on her playmate while hiding at the same time. I have hinted at how talented she truly is, but come on, peek-a-boo with your eyes open? Brilliant! :) Just shows how much she wants to witness the joy she brings us.
She will use a toy, clear plastic bag (not that she plays with those, but sometimes the bread bag is sitting just right on the table), a finger, one hand, two hands, a spoon, the table, a chair, my wallet, her hairband, just about anything to hide one eye or simply cover the bridge of her nose while sporting the cutest, slyest grin awaiting the big payoff: "Where's Dia? Where is she.....? Peek-a-boo!" We laugh and smile a lot around here, let me tell you.
We also have a problem with lettuce... She loves it. I guess we eat a lot of salad because she wants lettuce and other green leafies more than anything else! In fact, tonight at dinner she pushed aside her bread and jam for more salad. But she only has three teeth....she can't chew it up. So we let her suck on it...
Which brings me to the newest addition to Dia's mouth--her left eye tooth. :) It came in on a Wednesday and is here to stay. And makes her mouth look much more grown-up.
She is also 19.5 lbs and 31 inches long (one good thing from our Urgent Care run--updated stats!).
Her still blonde hair is long and actually gets dirty (mostly from food she puts behind her head...not sure why, but hey, why not?) so she and Papa take a bath just about every night. This is my primo practice time...that's right! There is something new about me! I started learning to play the violin a few months back and while I hate to brag, I can play Kookaburra AND Hot Cross Buns.
Her best friends in the world are Roxy and Depot. He puts his paws on the bed every morning to her great delight and she regularly tries to feed him by lifting up his mouth and trying to shove things in between his teeth. Yesterday, she wanted him to enjoy a banana still in its peel, so she lifted and shoved and shoved to no avail. (Depot loves food but he has his limits.) Finally, she put it in her mouth trying to show him how to do it. Still, he did not bite. Finally she put it in an ice chest I had sitting on the floor, dragged the chest over to him spilling water which she splashed him with. Alas, he did not eat. But you can't say she didn't try. :)
Dia is now mobile! She regularly dials out on my cell phone and yesterday called Rory while we were driving (I had no idea). She hung up, so he called back and she answered! I regularly see dialed calls to numbers like 334-777-9901 and 111-111-5555. I know there are crowds of people upset with me for "prank" calling...
And I now have to gather my purse before heading out. Not pick it up, you see. Rather, I have to gather its remnants strewn about the floor. She loves this girly little bag of fun. She pulls out every card and receipt and talks to them while crawling around.
She is also still true to one of her first loves: birds. She loves them and runs (aka turbo crawl) to the window if she thinks she sees one. It's hard being in such a hot, humid climate right now since she would prefer to be outdoors at all times, but it's almost fall and we will make up for lost time soon.
She is joy personified! And while this video is late in catching all the fun, it's a bit of the delight we enjoy daily. Happy August everyone!
It started back a few days before the annual home-school convention. Dia had a low-grade fever and full supply of teething behavior. But when the fever hovered around 102 both days of the convention, I didn't feel right dragging her to seminars and workshops, so we stayed home. Unfortunately, our dogs got out that Friday (two Golden Retriever mixes who love to run!) and while they usually find their way back home within a few hours, this time only Roxy returned. But with my fever girl I couldn't drive around looking for our missing pup, so we walked a bit calling his name and just prayed he'd come home.
When he remained MIA that Saturday morning, we made signs and began posting them around our neighborhood. I got home in time to get my mom's call that my grandfather had past away. He hadn't been well for some time, but still, the loss is always hard.
Thankfully, the Lord answered our prayers and a neighbor had taken Depot in for the night and then called when she saw the signs.
We got him home, but Dia's fever just wouldn't quit. Finally around midnight, it spiked to 103.6 so we made a run to Urgent Care. They diagnosed her with a minor ear infection, prescibed an antibiotic and we were on our way.
Until Monday night when the rash started. It started on the back of her neck and by Tuesday morning, covered her entire trunk and was accompanied with severe diarrhea. A few calls to our pediatrician and the pharmacist and we were pretty sure my lovebug had an allergic reaction to amoxicillin. A doctor's visit the next morning confirmed it and we were almost in the clear! Until it started back and different that next weekend! Thinking it was possibly a delayed a viral infection, but since it disappeared within two days and caused no discomfort we never made a visit to the doctor.
So while we never made it to the convention, we....well, we're still standing!
It was on top of the junk mail pile when Dia first saw it and, well, the only way I can describe her reaction is sheer excitement. She took hold of it with both hands, sat on the floor and shrieked with joy. I am laughing even now as I remember how hard we laughed then! She poked repeatedly at the cover and crumpled it over and over in her hands unable to contain herself! She carried it around with her for an entire day, thrilled to own it. Boy, these marketers really do know what they are doing to get a ten-month child that excited about capitalism!
And then last week, this came:
Dia was on the floor going through the junk mail (hey, she likes what she likes okay?), when she saw it (it's a shiny advertisement for Dora the Explorer toys) and it was like the American Girls catalog all over again! Only this time she insisted on sitting in each of our laps and showing us the cover while shreiking and breathing hard!
This girl! Dia June, you are priceless! I love your joi d'vie!
P.S. With both advertisements, Rory replied, "You like this, Dia? Would you like Papa to get this for you?" Oh man! He is a sucker for advertisements, too. Laugh outloud! Okay, well maybe he is a bigger sucker for his daughter's joy. Everytime the two of them go to the store, they come home with a balloon! Shiny mylar orbs celebrating birthdays have slowly been filling our little house! And yes, Dia couldn't be happier. :)
The Lord gave me a gift today. A new view. A source of freedom and even excitement.
I have been dreading the month of August. Since about February I have been feeling a heaviness in my bones about the upcoming August. And it had nothing to do with the heat.
Here's a bit from my journal entry on the 18th of August:
"The eighteenth. The eighteenth of every month jumps out of the calendar with a shout of joy--my Dia was born on an eighteenth. Eighteenth of September to be exact. That makes her ten months old today. TEN MONTHS. I have already cried and "lost it" several times and it isn't even eleven am. I don't know why, but ten months feels like a milestone. Only two months from her first birthday--and counting."
Yes, that's right. I have become a melodramatic "that" kind of mom. I have been sensing with some dread my first born's first birthday.
I couldn't be happier that she is growing and thriving...it's just hard to swallow that this year (dare I call it that quite yet?!) really is slipping through my fingers. I have intentionally worked to savor this year, not rush through anything. And yet, it is still ending. (This seems incredibly unfair, by the way. If I savor and not rush, I should get a few bonus weeks.)
So today was a welcome reprieve. Today Dia and I went shopping. I intentionally kept her awake on the drive over there, thinking she would sleep while I shopped and tried on clothes. Instead, she soaked up every minute of "mall" time. She enjoyed looking through racks and would smile big when I tried on outfits (especially colorful ones). She waved at people (especially elderly ones) and chewed on a hanger or two. We spent a good three hours between Macy's, Starbucks and a few random stores and she was so much fun to be with! I have heard some moms prefer to have their kids watched at home while they shop and while I can understand that, today I wouldn't have done it any other way.
And so, while I have been giving my tear ducts a thorough cleansing several times in anticipation of the big o-n-e, today the Lord really encouraged me with the young girl who is growing up already as one of my best friends.
She really is just so much fun! I actually enjoy her company. And even though she usually only responds with mama, uh-oh, or uhn-uhn-uhn, I even enjoy talking with her.
Thank You, Lord for such delight, love and beauty wrapped in skin, strenthened by bone and a determined inner-will! Everyday of this last year has been full of wonder and a true inner joy I never before knew possible.
Look out, world. Dia's on her way!
(As you can see from the photo, Dia loves loves loves her mama's makeup drawer. :) She even carries my make-up brushes around the house with her.)