A few weeks back, this came in the mail:

It was on top of the junk mail pile when Dia first saw it and, well, the only way I can describe her reaction is sheer excitement. She took hold of it with both hands, sat on the floor and shrieked with joy. I am laughing even now as I remember how hard we laughed then! She poked repeatedly at the cover and crumpled it over and over in her hands unable to contain herself! She carried it around with her for an entire day, thrilled to own it. Boy, these marketers really do know what they are doing to get a ten-month child that excited about capitalism!
And then last week, this came:

Dia was on the floor going through the junk mail (hey, she likes what she likes okay?), when she saw it (it's a shiny advertisement for Dora the Explorer toys) and it was like the American Girls catalog all over again! Only this time she insisted on sitting in each of our laps and showing us the cover while shreiking and breathing hard!
This girl! Dia June, you are priceless! I love your joi d'vie!
With both advertisements, Rory replied, "You like this, Dia? Would you like Papa to get this for you?" Oh man! He is a sucker for advertisements, too. Laugh outloud! Okay, well maybe he is a bigger sucker for his daughter's joy. Everytime the two of them go to the store, they come home with a balloon! Shiny mylar orbs celebrating birthdays have slowly been filling our little house! And yes, Dia couldn't be happier. :)
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