Thursday, August 05, 2010

The Week We Had...

You would not believe the week we had.

It started back a few days before the annual home-school convention. Dia had a low-grade fever and full supply of teething behavior. But when the fever hovered around 102 both days of the convention, I didn't feel right dragging her to seminars and workshops, so we stayed home. Unfortunately, our dogs got out that Friday (two Golden Retriever mixes who love to run!) and while they usually find their way back home within a few hours, this time only Roxy returned. But with my fever girl I couldn't drive around looking for our missing pup, so we walked a bit calling his name and just prayed he'd come home.

When he remained MIA that Saturday morning, we made signs and began posting them around our neighborhood. I got home in time to get my mom's call that my grandfather had past away. He hadn't been well for some time, but still, the loss is always hard.

Thankfully, the Lord answered our prayers and a neighbor had taken Depot in for the night and then called when she saw the signs.

We got him home, but Dia's fever just wouldn't quit. Finally around midnight, it spiked to 103.6 so we made a run to Urgent Care. They diagnosed her with a minor ear infection, prescibed an antibiotic and we were on our way.

Until Monday night when the rash started. It started on the back of her neck and by Tuesday morning, covered her entire trunk and was accompanied with severe diarrhea. A few calls to our pediatrician and the pharmacist and we were pretty sure my lovebug had an allergic reaction to amoxicillin. A doctor's visit the next morning confirmed it and we were almost in the clear! Until it started back and different that next weekend! Thinking it was possibly a delayed a viral infection, but since it disappeared within two days and caused no discomfort we never made a visit to the doctor.

So while we never made it to the convention, we....well, we're still standing!

1 comment:

Heather@Cultivated Lives said...

I had been meaning to email you since I didn't see you at the convention... But then again with 4,500 people there, I thought I might have missed you.

Yikes, what a weekend. My littlest came down with his first ear infection a few days afterwards (a double) plus swimmers ear. Thankfully, he didn't react like that to the antibiotic.