Sunday, October 17, 2010

Christian Music

I grew up a Christian. Not necessarily "in church" per se, but knowing and hearing Jesus. It's part of my past and makes up so much of who I am.

When I was of elementary school age, my mom saw me drift towards cultural norms like pop music and MTV. And although I didn't realize it, she pulled a quick switch-a-roo and started taking me to the Christian bookstore all the time to buy tapes (can't believe those are outdated!) and cds (wait...these are too! Agh!) that spoke about real Love and a full Life. I remember being about seven or eight and dancing in my room for Jesus. Literally dancing, but also feeling the passion and movement of Light in my heart and His joyful presence. It is a sweet and very real memory that encourages me often. In my mind, I can still go to my old room and twirl around to the Christian music, pointing me back to Him.

My mom is smart. I know this.

And today when I hear some of the "old" Christian songs, I go right back to that place of vulnerability and passion that early love brings. I loved Jesus early and like a sweet marriage, old sounds and smells take me right back to that loving feeling. There is something about being young and in love!

Tonight the radio blared FFH "Lord Move or Move Me." Now this isn't old enough to be from my elementary days (those were the Kim Boyce days...even Michael W. Smith is kinda contemporary to me!), but I do remember this from my high school/college days. What was it about my pre-marriage days that had me in full surrender to Him? Constantly leaning, needing, listening, seeking. Oh yeah. That's right. "But a married woman is concerned about the affairs of this world—how she can please her husband. I am saying this for your own good, not to restrict you, but that you may live in a right way in undivided devotion to the Lord." (1 Corinthians 7:34)

This makes it critical to have a husband who points us back to the Lord, don't you think? What a struggle. One I know well. But as the song says, "Lord move in a way, that I've never seen before/Cause there's a mountain in the way and a lock on the door...So Lord move, or move me." For some reason, the image that comes to mind is of me just on the other side of that mountain or locked door. And you know what that means, right? I am so close to being over or through it! I always think about how I should enjoy the struggle more (because it's that struggle that grows us, that shows us Him), so thanks to that good ol' Christian music I can clearly see that I am nearing the other side. And it won't be me getting me there. He can do it.

Somehow my heart is dancing for Him again.

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