Can I just tell you that I laugh almost daily just watching this exquisite child? (We learned the word exquisite from Elmo and Eva Longoria on Sesame Street the other day when D had a tummy bug and wasn't feeling well. They defined it as "very beautiful" and "very special." All I could think was how fitting this is for Dia. My exquisite India!)
But I don't have to just tell you that, take a look for yourself...

Remember those flowers she used to wear? Well, she still likes them. She pulls them out and brings handfuls to me to stick in her hair and then pats her head to make sure they are all in there!

Using a gift bag as a purse--everything is a purse! She walks around the house putting it on her shoulder and putting all kinds of things in it. As Rory's sister said, it's like she has an extra girl gene!

She also now goes on walks by herself! Ok, well without a stroller. She loves walking up and down the street, waving at cars, neighbors and even front doors.

Showing Grammy the neighborhood

Pit stop

Such a cutie

Clothes optional. New birthday boots a must.

More neighborhood walking, this time wearing mommy's pearls and holding mommy's shoes (the ones I was wearing!)

"Um, is this important? I have work to do."
Getting to sit at Papa's desk

And her favorite pastime of late--swinging!
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